Donate - Museum Cobra


Become a Sponsor
Would you like to actively contribute to the museum and support us as a Sponsor? You can do so for as little as 500 euros a year!
In return, we will offer you unique and exclusive benefits:

  • You will receive all the benefits that you would receive as a Friend of the museum, plus:
  • Once a year you and your guest are invited to an exclusive 4-course dinner set amidst the incredible art, with a special programme to complete the evening.
  • At this dinner, you will have the opportunity to vote on how your annual contribution will be spent.
  • You will be invited to a preview of new exhibitions and you will thus be the first to enjoy them
  • You will be given an exclusive tour of these exhibitions
  • You will receive the Cobra Magazine
  • You will be the first to be invited to our programmes/activities in the museum
  • With your Friends Card you get free admission to the museum, and you can also bring 1 guest along*
  • During your visit, you can enjoy a free cup of coffee/tea with your Friends Card
  • You receive a 10% discount on purchases in our museum shop* a surcharge may apply during special exhibitions

Would you like more information or would you like to register today?
Please send a mail to Iris de Boer at

The museum has an ANBI status and your donation is tax deductible.

Periodic donation
A periodic donation that you have recorded by a notary for at least five years will give you attractive tax benefits. For more information on periodic donations, please contact our notary Max Amson of Amson & Kolhoff Notarissen.
The museum has an ANBI status and your donation is tax deductible.

Inheritances and donations
You can support the museum in a special way by bequeathing a sum of money or a work of art. In doing so, you help us to keep the legacy of the Cobra movement alive, for this generation and the next. Every contribution, big or small, is of great value to us. Your contribution enables us to set up new exhibitions, develop educational projects or make special purchases.
There are several ways in which you can support us:

A bequest is a gift written into your will, whereby you leave us a certain item of property or sum of money.

You list Museum Cobra as your sole or joint heir. With this, you donate a certain part or percentage of your estate to the museum. This is not a predetermined amount, but a percentage of your estate, depending on what your assets are after your death.

Designated Fund
A special form of bequest where you choose a name that has a special meaning to you, in memory of a loved one. With a Designated Fund, you yourself determine the purpose for which the money you contribute may be used. This could be, for example, a special educational project, a certain type of exhibition, or the purchase of art.

You can also make a donation to our museum during your lifetime and thus support us financially. A donation is tax deductible, with a multiplying factor of of 25% over the first €5,000 you donate. This means that with a donation of €5,000 your tax relief will apply to €6,250. Museum Cobra is not required to pay gift tax on your donation. There are two ways of making donations:

  • A one-off donation
  • A periodic donation that you register at the notary for a minimum of 5 years.

Museum Cobra has an ANBI status (Public Benefit Organisation). The museum is exempted from inheritance tax and gift tax on inheritances and gifts it receives. In addition, donating to our museum has a number of tax benefits.
Would you like more information about bequests or donations?
Our notary, Mr. Max Amson of Amson & Kolhoff Notarissen, will be pleased to help you (