Education - Museum Cobra


Primary education
Secondary education
Extra curricular
Temporary specials

lt’s all about discovery
and experimentation!

With its educational programme for schools, Museum Cobra aims to be an interactive museum where participation, discovery and experience are central. The educational programmes provide refreshing insights into the now, on both an individual and societal level. In doing so, we connect the transhistorical heritage of the Cobra movement with contemporary art and current issues.

On Mondays, the museum is closed, however we are happy to open our doors for guided tours and/or workshops.

Contact details for information and appointments school visits: For enquiries and bookings please contact the Education Department. T 020 5475031| E Educational programmes are taught by professional museum teachers. We are always looking to expand our pool of freelance museum teachers. Are you interested? Feel free to ask for more information or send your CV and motivation to Janna Nanninga at