Secundary education - Museum Cobra

Secundary education

Creating art through an experimental, imaginative and spontaneous way

CoBrA marked a new beginning for modern art in the Netherlands. The artists in the group were inspired by their predecessors, the great masters of modern art: Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró and Paul Klee, but they were mainly inspired by the creativity they saw in children, by folk art and by non-western art. They created their art in an experimental, highly imaginative and spontaneous way.

Special programmes

The Cobra Museum also offers surprising, customised programmes in addition to the regular guided tours. The students’ creativity and analytical abilities are further challenged here. During the Cobra College Tour, they delve deeper into the world of Cobra. They get the chance to take on the role of researcher, journalist and curator. The Cobra Museum also provides various workshops in which the students can create things themselves.

Museum visit

The Cobra Museum offers guided tours to all classes and levels of secondary education. Our experienced museum instructors accompany the children through the museum. They view the works from the CoBrA collection and/or a temporary exhibition together. Through dialogue with each other and the museum instructor, the students delve deeper into modern art and discover what inspired modern, and especially CoBrA, artists. A visit can be a nice starting point for further study at school.

Workshop “My Paint Tube is a Rocket”


In this workshop, young people learn about the art of Karel Appel, music and the connection between painting and music. Furthermore, the students learn to ‘paint with sounds’, as Appel summarized it in 1961. Appel’s works seem to ’emerge’, comparable with sessions of Jazz musicians who play ‘in the moment’. The students learn to paint spontaneously on their own brought music, which inspires them to paint sounds.

Practical information:
Costs: € 12.50 per student, including all materials, excluding € 5,55 entrance fee
Group: a minimum of 10, a maximum of 20 participants per workshop teacher

Contact details for information and school visit appointments
Please contact Nina Montijn
T 020 5475031