My Cobra adventure - Willemijn Stokvis - Museum Cobra

My Cobra adventure – Willemijn Stokvis

donderdag 1 jan 1970 t/m donderdag 1 jan 1970

On Saturday, September 16, at 3 p.m., Willemijn Stokvis will give a lecture on her Cobra adventure.

Fifty years ago Willemijn Stokvis obtained her doctorate on the international Cobra movement. Since then she has written numerous publications and articles on Cobra and curated exhibitions in the Netherlands and abroad. Researching Cobra was one big adventure for Stokvis and runs like a thread through her life. 

As an art history student, Stokvis was there early on to study the Cobra movement. At a time when it was unusual to research contemporary art, she worked her way into the circle of Cobra artists and came up with new and unique insights. In doing so, Stokvis made a very significant contribution to the knowledge and appreciation of this group of artists.   

The exhibition shows a selection of the many publications and articles Stokvis wrote. Also on display from her own archive is a special collection of personal letters, which provide a unique insight into the lives and work of various Cobra artists and many others with whom she maintained extensive correspondence.

onder: v.l.n.r. Karel Appel, Rob Sneeps, Rik Fernhout en Willemijn Stokvis 1990 Gemeente Museum Den Haag.
foto Nico Koster.