All children are artists - Museum Cobra

All children are artists

Friday 2 Jun 2023 until Sunday 8 Oct 2023

Jeroen Krabbé and Annefie van Itterzon present children’s drawings at the Cobra Museum. This exhibition fits seamlessly into our programme of summer exhibitions: Freedom without Borders and The Other Picasso, which are on show at the Cobra Museum at the same time.

Children’s drawing Jeroen Krabbé (11 years), Chagall Vis, 1957

Actor, painter and art programme maker Jeroen and Annefie van Itterzon selected 40 children’s drawings that give a beautiful impression of how children around the world make drawings. Two of his own children’s drawings are added to these. This selection comes from a collection of over 900 drawings collected between 1983 and 2021 by art educator Annefie van Itterzon. Last year, Van Itterzon donated this unique collection to the Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE).

Toverfee valt coronavirus aan, Whanzi (5 jaar), 2020

The uninhibited child
This exhibition not only offers a fascinating insight into the drawing art of children worldwide, but is also a tribute to their uninhibited and spontaneous nature. Children are not concerned with perspective and form, which is why their drawings are so direct, original and pure. Artists like Picasso, Klee, Kandinsky and the members of Cobra therefore looked to children’s drawings for inspiration. It is a joy to shine a spotlight on this wonderful art.

Let’s draw!
Children can also do some drawing of their own at Atelier CoBrA on Wednesdays and Sundays. Together, these drawings form a huge collage artwork that continues to grow throughout the exhibition and can be seen by all visitors in the museum. It is exciting to see how children can express their creativity and contribute to this exhibition with their own artwork.

For this exhibition, we would like to thank the National Cultural Heritage Collection for its support.