Lubertus Jacobus Swaanswijk, Amsterdam 1924 – Alkmaar 1994 - Museum Cobra

Lubertus Jacobus Swaanswijk, Amsterdam 1924 – Alkmaar 1994

Lucebert was a painter and poet. He was seen as the leader of the Vijftigers’ (‘those of the fifties’) movement, a progressive group of poets who began experimenting with form and content after the Second World War. Their writing was energetic, associative and sensory, and they abandoned the existing rules of poetry. Just like the painters of Cobra, these poets felt the urge to take a different turn. Their ideals did not only relate to art, but also to society.

Lucebert, Dorfsscène (Dorpsscène), 1962, olieverf op doek, 130 x 200 cm, © foto: Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen, Collectie Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen / aangekocht met steun van de BankGiro Loterij en het aankoopfonds van de gemeente Amstelveen