In 1947, the poet Christian Dotremont founded the group Le Surréalisme Révolutionnaire. However, major differences of opinion between the French and Belgian branches turned out to be unbridgeable. Together with Danish
artist Asger Jorn, the Dutch artists Karel Appel, Constant and Corneille and the Belgian poet Joseph Noiret, Dotremont subsequently founded a new group: Internationale expérimentale des artistes expérimentaux (the International of experimental artists). The reference to the Internationale, once the Soviet anthem, indicates their leftist intentions. The group quickly became known as Cobra (Copenhagen, Brussels, Amsterdam), a find of Dotremont.
Karel Appel, date unknown: Dotremont was the most important thinker of Cobra, Jorn and Constant have written books, Corneille too. But Dotremont was the only real thinker of Cobra“