Exhibition | Summerschool: class of '23 - Museum Cobra

Exhibition | Summerschool: class of ’23

On view

The REMIX of freedom and responsibility

This exposition is the result of Jonas Ohssons Summerschool: class of ’23. 

During the Summer School, participants took a journey through their own creativity, guided by teacher and artist Jonas Ohlsson and guest lecturer Tanja Ritterbex. There has been discussion and dancing, music, but above all a lot of drawing, complemented by substantive lectures on art and philosophy.

“Not only artists have imagination and imagination. We all do. Imagination is like a muscle that you can train. If you don’t train that muscle, it becomes weak and useless. During the Summer School we work on our imagination muscle for 5 days so that we all become like the Arnold Schwarzeneggers of fantasy.” –  Jonas Ohlsson


In this edition, in addition to play, intuition and flow, the focus was on the theme of freedom: what is Cobra’s freedom today and what does this freedom look like anno 2023?  

Sensuality coach Taneesha Sijmons gave a lecture on her work and how she encourages others to live their lives in freedom, followed by drawing session for which she modeled naked.

Foto: Tanje van Lingen

Guest lecturer Tanja Ritterbex gave an insight into her own way of working in response to her work Frida and Tanja in the Park, which can be seen in the exhibition Boundless and Free.

Foto: Tanje van Lingen

Participants got to work creating their own freedom on paper. From whom do you get boundaries imposed in your work? From no one? Give yourself more freedom and dare to accept it in your painting. The world does not have to look the way we know it.