Workshop Drawing Memories - Museum Cobra

Workshop Drawing Memories

Sunday 26 November


Drawing on glass by Goro Shimano – Workshop for adults

Time: 13.00 – 14.30 AM
Cost: € 7,50 per participant, including materials, coffee & tea (excluding museum entrance).
Sing up for the workshop

  • Click on this link
  • Selecteer your regular entrance ticket
  • Then click ‘Volgende’ and select Workshop Drawing Memories at 13.00

During this workshop, guided by artist Goro Shimano, you will draw portraits on glass with waterproof markers. We start with a short introduction after which you will work in pairs. After a first practise round, you will work on a portrait that becomes part of the mural Drawing Memories on the façade of the museum café. During this workshop, you will learn how to draw an apt portrait using a few simple techniques. By looking closely and focusing on a few appealing facial features, you will be able to capture someone’s person while drawing them. After the workshop you can take the marker home with you, so you can make your own window drawing at home.

About Drawing Memories
During the month of November, a life-size work of growing art will be created on the façade of the Cobra Museum. Drawing Memories is a participatory project by Amstelveen-based artist Goro Shimano (1974). Using museum visitors, volunteers and museum employees as models, he will create a life-size work of art on the facade of the museum café. The result will be a gigantic group portrait of different people, often strangers to each other, connected by one thing; namely, the Cobra Museum.

Good to know
The workshop is given in English and is suitable for adults. Drawing experience is not necessary. You will work partly outside so wear an extra layer of clothing. You will be dry under the canopy. Only in very strong winds the workshop can not take place and will be rescheduled.