Masterclass with Tyas Leeuwerink - Museum Cobra

Masterclass with Tyas Leeuwerink

Wednesday 1 May to Friday 3 May


Date: Wednesday 1 May to Friday 3 May
Time: 10:00 – 17:00
For whom: everyone from 18 years old who has an affinity with art is welcome to participate, both the young creative and the experienced maker
Language: Dutch
€185 per participant (incl. materials and coffee/tea)
€135 participants aged between 18 and 30 receive a special discount on presentation of their ID.
Booking: sold out!
Waiting list: Would you like to be placed on the waiting list? Email ovvv “Waiting list Masterclass Tyas”

This year, the Cobra Museum is once again organising a three-day masterclass in collaboration with Tyas Leeuwerink, with the central theme of the personal manifesto.

Personal manifesto
As a maker, you probably recognise that intrinsic motivation to create. Sometimes this flame burns brightly and sometimes it is at a lower pitch, but whatever you make and whatever form you choose, it says something about yourself and how you relate to the world you live in. What do you take in from it, what appeals to you, what do you react to?

The work of the Cobra artists is strongly linked to the time in which they live, in the years just after the war. In their personal and collective quest, they strive for change within art and society. How do you relate to the present time and society and how do you give form and substance to your thoughts? Surrounded by artworks from the Cobra collection and the exhibition Anton Corbijn – MOØDe, you will explore this further.

What are you going to do?
In this masterclass, you will work both individually and in groups. For three days, your mind will be set to making and you will be stimulated to create and open yourself up to new ideas. You will explore and dissect your conviction and power of expression and choose the form of expression that best suits it. Working in the studio in our lecture hall alternates with short lectures in which there is room for feedback. The master class concludes with a joint presentation and private drinks.

About the lecturer
Tyas Leeuwerink (1989, Amsterdam) is an artist and a lecturer at several leading museums in Amsterdam, including the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum. He graduated from the Docent Beeldende Vorming programme and obtained the title Master of Fine Arts at the art academy. Within his work as an artist, the workings of the creative process, the moment of inspiration and working with light and dark are recurring themes. He uses various techniques in his visual work, including projection and moving image.

Practical information:
Participants can find the schedule here.
For questions about the programme, please email o.g. “Masterclass with Tyas”

Waiting list
Would you like to be placed on the waiting list? Email ovvv  “Waiting list Masterclass Tyas”

Pictures Tyas Leeuwerink: Remon Rijper