Maakplaats on Tour: workshop (10-12 years) - Museum Cobra

Maakplaats on Tour: workshop (10-12 years)

Wednesday 14 July

Maakplaats on Tour

in Atelier CoBrA
Art & technique workshop
Children aged 10-12 years

Together with the Amstelland Library, the museum is organising a Makey Makey workshop on 14 July: make your own musical instrument. This is an exciting tour and workshop for children aged 10-12 in the Cobra Museum of Modern Art. Inspired by Frida Kahlo’s fruit artwork, you will make a fruit instrument with cardboard and a Makey Makey kit. Purchase your ticket here via the library.

What are we going to do?

The Makey Makey workshop is going on tour to the Cobra Museum of Modern Art. First, participants draw inspiration from Frida Kahlo’s fruit pieces and then make their own music with a Makey Makey.
You can design a fruit instrument using pencil and paper, and then bring it to life by making musical circuits with Makey Makey.

Makey Makey allows you to draw the keys of your instrument on paper. By making circuits you can actually play these keys and surprise your fellow participants with your music. A creative and instructive workshop at the interface between technique and art education.