Eugène Brands (the Netherlands) Amsterdam 1913 – 2002 - Museum Cobra

Eugène Brands (the Netherlands) Amsterdam 1913 – 2002

As a young, self-taught artist, Brands was strongly influenced by surrealism. Like the surrealists, he wanted to convey that we shouldn’t think of anything around us as a given, as ‘normal’. Willem Sandberg, who would later become director of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, had already taken note of Brands’ innovative, experimental work. In 1946, at an exhibition there, Brands first met the later Cobra members Karel Appel, Corneille and Anton Rooskens. They became regular visitors to his studio. In 1948 Brands became a member of the Experimental Group in Holland, which they had founded and shortly afterwards merged into Cobra.

Eugène Brands, Zonder titel, jaren ‘50, gemengde techniek (kurk, verf, hout, metaal en touw), 60 x 45 x 15 cm © foto: Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen, Collectie Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen / aangekocht met steun van de BankGiro Loterij en het aankoopfonds van de gemeente Amstelveen


Eugène Brands, De fijne fietstocht, 1966/67, Collage mixed media © foto: Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen, Collectie Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst Amstelveen