Open Museum Shop & Café - Museum Cobra

Open Museum Shop & Café

April 2021

Although we cannot fully open our doors, our museum shop and the terrace of our café is open! Of course, you can also order a variety of coffees and sweets to-go!

Our terrace is open daily from 12 to 6 pm.
By following the right measures everyone can get drinks and snacks while enjoying our terrace.

If you wish to visit, make sure to reserve a table in advance. We offer reservations for a maximum of 1.5 hours. You reserve by calling 020-547 50 50 or sending an email to You can also make a reservation at the museum café.

The current measures against the coronavirus apply during your visit. A health check is mandatory. We only allow a maximum of 2 people per visit and there is no self-service, so we make sure you stay sitting while enjoying the sun. Only payments & visits to the toilet are allowed inside the museum café.

Coffee to-go
You can order coffee, something tasty or a simple lunch to-go. Check our delicious menu.

Our Museum Shop is open daily from 11 am to 5 pm
During your visit, please follow the safety measures, such as keeping a 1.5 meters distance and wearing a mouth mask.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon in the museum!