Succesful opening #2 Kindermuseum - Museum Cobra

Succesful opening #2 Kindermuseum

Sunday 15 September

On Sunday, September 15, the second edition of the Cobra Children’s Museum opened. It was a successful afternoon where many families came to see the children’s work.

After a number of preparatory lessons at school, at elementary school Het Palet and de Bloeiwijzer in Amstelveen, children themselves chose a theme for this second edition of the Children’s Museum. Based on this theme, over 35 children, together with accompanying artists, Annet Breure and Julia dos Santos Baptista, set to work creatively to visualize their ideas around this theme. Each time they were taught a new visual technique and they learned to give words to what they made and their ideas about it. The accompanying artists listened to their stories, creating a wonderful audio tour to accompany this exhibition.

Evegeny Astapov

Cobra Children’s Museum
The Cobra Children’s Museum is a unique exhibition that shows how children express their ideas around their own chosen theme. A celebration of boundless imagination! It is a place where children have a say in what can be seen and experienced in a museum. Their own place to make that happen. The children are introduced to Museum Cobra, the Cobra ideas, the design process of their own museum and finally the creative execution of it in the form of a real exhibition in the museum. The Cobra Children’s Museum will be built, festively opened and the children themselves will give a tour of their own museum.

This is the second edition of the Cobra Children’s Museum. Start of this second edition were preparatory lessons at school, in which questions like “What is a museum?” and “What should a museum be about?” were central. Through an intensive, 4-day workshop, the children were taken through a creative making process that culminated in this exhibition with its own audio tour.

This second edition of the Cobra Children’s Museum was also developed and supervised by artist and visual teacher Júlia dos Santos Baptista and Annet Breure, story collector and storyteller. For more information, see

Elja, VSB, Plantenverhalen, MAM, De Bloeiwijzer, Het Palet, Buurtkamer

Evgeny Astapov