New general director Hedwig Verhoeven - Museum Cobra

New general director Hedwig Verhoeven

Monday 18 March

The Cobra Museum of Modern Art Foundation welcomes Hedwig Verhoeven as general director (ad interim).

At the Cobra Museum, Verhoeven will work with the team, the foundation board and the Amstelveen municipality to build a future-proof museum.

“We see in Hedwig an experienced director who can work with the team and us as a board to shape a new solid future of the Cobra Museum. We are pleased that Hedwig wants to bring her administrative experience to the museum. We more than welcome her,” said Jerry Straub, chairman of the Cobra Museum of Modern Art Amstelveen Foundation.

Hedwig Verhoeven brings with her extensive administrative experience. For instance, until 1 March last, she was director-director of the National Cultural Fund the Fund for Cultural Participation, which she led for five years. Before that, she held board positions at, among others, the Association of Theatre and Concert Hall Directors (VSCD), the Stichting Theaterpromotie en Concertbezoek (Foundation for the Promotion of Theatre and Concert Tours), the Employers’ Association of Dutch Stages, the Koninklijke Schouwburg in The Hague and the Munttheater in Weert. Verhoeven will start 18 March 2024 at the museum.

Together with Maxim de Nooij, who has been with the museum for some time now as Head of Collection Management, Verhoeven will take up museum duties to put together an exhibition programme that appeals to a wide audience.

With Hedwig Verhoeven and a clear, future-proof and profitable strategy, the Foundation Board looks to the future positively and confidently.

Hedwig Verhoeven (left of centre) together with Cobra Museum employees