Municipality of Amstelveen rescues Museum Cobra - Museum Cobra

Municipality of Amstelveen rescues Museum Cobra

Wednesday July 17

The Amstelveen City Council has adopted the advice of the Municipal Executive and decided to provide the museum with an annual subsidy of 1.4 million for a period of three years. This will save the museum and allow it to further develop its artistic and educational ambitions and build a sustainable future.

Future perspective
The future plan includes the choice for a permanent Cobra collection in combination with a strong educational program. Museum Cobra also wants to become a place for various exhibitions that fit in with Cobra’s ideas. The Board of Mayor and Aldermen and council members see the new plans as a promising new start for the museum.

The museum now operates under the name Museum Cobra with a new visual style. The museum will further develop into a multidisciplinary platform with visual art, installations, new media, poetry, literature and music. Collaborations with (local) organizations will be strengthened to promote public participation and education.

End of uncertainty, look to the future
The city council’s decision means that Museum Cobra can concentrate on realizing its ambitions, building on them, making the plans concrete and strengthening the museum’s position.

Word of thanks
The Board of Museum Cobra is indebted to all employees for their loyalty and for writing the future plan. Their commitment and dedication have been invaluable in shaping the future vision of the museum. Museum Cobra thanks the city council members of Amstelveen for all their support and the municipal executive committee for their good cooperation. Museum Cobra looks to the future with optimism and determination.

Group photo of Museum Cobra employees, Victor Wennekes