Curated Tour by Cathelijne Blok - Museum Cobra

Curated Tour by Cathelijne Blok

Friday 28 June

Curated tour by Cathelijne Blok through the exhibition Diana Blok – I challenge you to love me

Date: Friday, June 28
Time: 14.00-15.00 hours
Price: Euro 5,- (excluding museum ticket)
Sign up: via this link

On Friday, June 28, art historian and journalist Cathelijne Blok will give a curated tour of the exhibition Diana Blok – I challenge you to love me. During this one-hour tour, Cathelijne Blok will dwell on some of Diana Blok’s photographs.

Diana Blok through the eyes of…Curated Tour
Every Cobra Pakt Uit Weekend special tours are given by creatives from the world of art and photography.

About Cathelijne Blok
Art historian and journalist Cathelijne Blok is founder of the art platform The TittyMag, a platform that invites dialogue and reflection through art. Blok worked as (final) editor and director for BNNVARA, gives art lectures under the name Kunstblok, writes articles for NRC and together with art historian Paul Rem presents the podcast ‘Maffe Monarchen’. She is a frequent guest in the media on subjects from the art world. She previously made the documentary series the F-word about feminism with journalist Milou Deelen. And recently released her second book ‘But is it Art?’

@cathelijneblok / @thetittymag