Camping Cobra - Museum Cobra

Camping Cobra

27 & 28 October 2023

From 7 p.m. to 9 a.m.
Admission: € 20.00 per ticket*
Age: 4+
*Includes breakfast. Minimum 2 tickets (child plus adult), maximum 4 tickets (3 children plus adult)

Buy your ticket here

Would you like to spend a night in a museum? Sleeping among the art with 80 other campers? Who wouldn’t want that?

You can do it again during Camping Cobra on the night of October 27th to 28th. The Cobra Museum will remain open all night for children and their (grand)parents. We’ll sleep in the exhibition A Cry for Freedom, and you bring your own mattress, sleeping bag, and flashlight and find a spot. Maybe you want to lay in the middle of the hall or right under your favorite painting! In the evening, there are various fun activities: there’s a movie, workshops, and we’ll play games like Werewolves and Twister. And then we’ll go to sleep, surrounded by art. The next morning, we’ll have a communal breakfast.

Oh, by the way, for this evening, we’re removing the toilet paper from the bathrooms, so please bring your own roll! And also, it’s important to note that there are no showers available at our campsite!

Adults are welcome, accompanied by at least 1 child and up to 3. You can arrive between 7:00 PM and 8:00 PM. Breakfast will be served between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM.

To bring with you:
Sleeping mat or air mattress
Sleeping bag and pillow
Pajamas and slippers
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Teddy bear
Toilet paper

Please note: A liability insurance (WA-verzekering) for both the parent and child is a requirement for participation. By participating, you automatically give consent to be photographed. If you do not wish to be photographed, please notify one of the staff members on the evening itself.