Museumweek 2024 | Share your museum card - Museum Cobra

Museumweek 2024 | Share your museum card

Saturday 30th till Friday 5th of April

Join 1.5 million other cardholders in lending your Museum Card during Museum Week. Give your grandmother a museum visit, let your baker or butcher taste culture and check with your neighbour whether he can appreciate an exhibition. That way, together we can introduce as many people as possible to the extraordinary offerings in museums. Nice, because the museum belongs to and is for all of us!

Image: Museumweek

The ground rules

  • During Museum Week, museums do not have to check whether the Museum Card displayed belongs to the visitor.
  • However, people do have to show the real Museum Card. No copy or photo of the card.
  • One visitor may enter per card. So the visitor enters instead of the cardholder. You can always go at another time.