Guided tour - Museum Cobra

Primary education > Guided tour

Het Wonderdiertje

Pupils explore the Cobra collection together with the Wonderdiertje. The Wonderdiertje has many friends, all of which are hidden inside the paintings. Will you help him find all his Cobra friends? After the search, you will draw a new friend yourself in
Atelier CoBrA.

Practical information
For whom: group 1 and 2
Duration: 1 hour
Theme: Amazement
Price: €65,- per 15 pupils
(incl. museum admission)

Magical paintbrush

In this interactive tour, students will invent stories based on the works of art by Karel Appel. Karel had a magic paintbrush and also loved stories. The pupils get to collaborate on the Great Cobra Storybook: a book containing all the stories about Cobra. Together, the pupils incorporate their stories into one big piece art piece in Atelier CoBrA.

Practical information
For whom: group 3 and 4
Duration: 1 hour
Theme: visual arts, cultural heritage, language
Price: €65 per 15 pupils
(incl. museum admission)