Teaching package - Museum Cobra

Primary education > Teaching package

Upcycle Art: from waste to art

This programme consists of three lessons: a preparatory lessen, a museum visit and a making assignment. During the lesson at school, children are introduced to the concept of upcycling and getto know artists who turn waste into art. Du ring the museum visit, pupils look at works of art by Cobra artists. Back at school, they can start on the creative assignment and make an animal in each group from waste they have collected themselves.

Practical information
For whom: group 5, 6 and 7
Duration: 1 hour
Theme: society, climate, sustainability,
art and philosophising 
Price: €65 per 15 pupils
(incl. museum admission)

Lesson materials available for free

Wild art? Cobra Matter!

This teaching programme introduces pupils to the Cobra artists. The teaching programme Wild Art? Cobra Matter! consists of three lessons: The first lesson starts in class and deals with the question: why do the Cobra artists make what they make? Then the pupils investigate in teams how they do it. The second lesson takes place in the Cobra Museum where the pupils go and see the work of the artists they talked about in the first lesson. In the third lesson, students will make an object (2- or 3-D) from found, used and/or natural materials. They will watch 2 videos that explains the process of creating this object.

Practical information
For whom: group 6, 7 en 8
Duration: 60 min
Theme: cultural heritage
Price: €115,- per 30 pupils
(incl. museum admission)

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